Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Already Fabulous, But How Can I Be Equally Fabulous While I Travel?

From the Wall Street Journal's fashion beat, file this one under tedious, self-congratulatory brand dropping and having an obnoxiously high opinion of one's self.

"Q: Do you have a recommendation for “good travel clothes”—those that don’t wrinkle and do layer well? I usually wear Prada, Jil Sander and Michael Kors when dressed up and Banana Republic when simply running around. I’d love your suggestions about stylish, fitted traveling clothes if you have them.
—K.E., Nashville, Tenn."

Let's deconstruct this a bit and focus in on how much of a piece of work this person is:

(1) "good travel clothes" - i.e., not clothes for the masses that I wouldn't be caught dead in, but things that are fabulous enough for me

(2) "I usually wear Prada, Jil Sander and Michael Kors ..." -- just want to make sure you know which brands I deem worthy of associating with.

(3) ... but Banana Republic is okay "when simply running around". And "running around" for you means what exactly? Driving the Land Rover 1.5 miles to your spa appointment?

(4) "I'd love your suggestions" -- I know I said recommendation at first, but they are really mere suggestions because, honestly, I'll be the judge as to whether they are sufficiently "stylish" and "fitted" for fabulous moi.

Maybe it's just me, but talking so seriously about how you dress is right up there on the list of most self-absorbed things one can do.

When discussing one's sartorial sense, I prefer the John Winger approach:

john winger stripes
Image Source: The Actors Compendium

"Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual." (thanks to IMDB.)